
Reporting on sustainability


Reporting on Sustainability: How could we innovate and accelerate towards more sustainable practices after the initial react and response of Covid 19 has subdued? Should companies become more transparent and sustainable in their reporting and include social, environmental costs in their reports to stakeholders and shareholders? And maybe especially those companies who received public funding? Read the article and information from the coalition on inclusive capitalism. Link to post on LinkedIn: #sustainablefinance #sustainability

Supply Chain SustainabilityLink to article

What CPO’s could consider for budget 2021

Although still busy with the COVID-19 effects, gradual return to offices or the scenario of a next wave, many CPO’s will also be working on the procurement budget 2021 in the coming months.  How do they translate trends, major developments affecting the function and...

Fast and more agile procurement

Introduction Procurement organisations, like the companies they are operating in, need to respond agile and efficient to the fast changing circumstances, being it Covid-19 crisis, global warming disasters, talent management or digitisation challenges. Therefor they...