Key Success factors for supplier enabled Innovation and ......Without attention for key Success factors SEI stalls
Following the post of 3rd August on ‘Early Involvement- Not Always‘, this one will zoom in and list Key Success Factors for Supplier Enabled Innovation. Why are they key?
Most likely not taking these factors in consideration and embedding them in your program and organisational governance could stall or even fail a procurement function to embark on the journey of contribution to company innovation and creation more value. Check it out for yourself, I listed the following:
Checks and balances
Are all these factors equally important in every phase from starting up a program or being in the phase ‘business as usual’? No probably not.
Is this list complete? Probably not either and let me know what you miss.
What is valid for SEI, also applies for Sustainability and Partnership programs
Further I would argue that these critical success factors are not only valid for a supplier enabled innovation program but also for a supply chain sustainability program and for a partnership or supplier collaboration program. Albeit all of these should be built on a strong foundation of methodological and cultural aspects of supplier relationship management.
If you are interested which methodological and cultural aspects, you can always contact me.
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